We, 28.09. | 23:00

Strap your eyeballs on and prepare for a grim recall of seventies “cinema of terror”: Larry Fessenden’s protege Mickey Keating lets the sun shine in sepia tones onto desolate landscapes, through which he sends a handful of characters. The action begins with a bank robbery conducted by two small-time criminals, but in reality it’s all about the hostage they’ve stashed away in their trunk of their car – she’s about to get hunted down by a serial killer with a sniper rifle in the eponymous “Carnage Park”. Pat Healy, probably one of the busiest impersonators of psychopaths in recent years, is at his best, wandering around a fenced-in area wearing a gas mask and always ready to fire. When it comes to US-genre cinema Mickey Keating, now in his mid twenties, has become “the” prodigy: a young guy showing immense enthusiasm for his work (he has made three new movies in the past year), who oscillates casually and lightly between a variety of topics and styles within his work, eager to experiment. It’s as if the movie-industry were his sandbox, in which he builds sometimes this, that or the other. It’s amazingly refreshing to see so much impetuous youthfulness in a world of well hung steak.

When and where?
We, 28.09. | 23:00 – Filmcasino
US 2016 | 90' Min | DCP
Language OF
Director Mickey Keating
Cast Ashley Bell, Pat Healy, James Landry Hébert
Writer Mickey Keating
Editing Valerie Krulfeifer
Cinematography Mac Fisken
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